Reasons for studying concepts of programming languages(프로그래밍 언어를 배운 이유 4가지)

1. Increased capacity to express ideas

2. Improved background for choosing appropriate languages

3. Increased ability to learn new languages


컴퓨터 사용하는 응용분야_그 응용분야에 적합한 분야들의 발전 (4가지)

1. Scientific Applications

2. Business Applications

3. Artificial Intelligence

3. Web Software


Language Evaluation Criteria

source: Concepts of Programming Languages (global edition) 11ed. - Robert W. Sebesta p.31


Influences on language design

source: Concepts of Programming Languages (global edition) 11ed. - Robert W. Sebesta p.42

★Fetch-execution cycle(=instruction cycle)

Assignment statement(배정문)_eg.  a = b + c : load, 연산, store, jump를 통해서 이루어진다.

(cf)jump의 경우, PC 값을 바꿔서 흐름을 바꾼다.

(cf)어디서 fetch를 할 것인가 = PC가 가지고 있다.


Language Categories(4가지)

1. imperative

2. functional

3. logic

4. object oriented

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