Some important factors from "Concepts of Programming Languages (global edition) 11ed. - Robert W. Sebesta"

:Chapter 6


FORTRAN: array & COBOL: record


primitive data types(4): integer, float, boolean, character


string operations: assignment, catenation, substring reference, comparison, pattern matching.


3 approaches to supporting the dynamic allocation and deallocation for dynamic length strings

-linked list

-store strings as arrays of pointers to individual characters allocated in the heap

-store complete strings in adjacent storage


2 types of structures(array, record) & tuple type/associative arrays


⬥purpose of pointers: indirect addressing, dynamic storage(dynamic variables in heap)


garbage(p.302): an allocated heap-dynamic variable that is no longer accessible to the user program


memory leakage: The first heap-dynamic variable is now inaccessible, or lost


dangling pointer: a pointer that contains the address of a heap-dynamic variable that has been deallocated.


eager approach(if count=0, retrieve immediately) VS lazy approach(if count=0, leave it and retreive later if short on memory)


Casting(explicit type conversion) VS Coercion(implicit/automatic type conversion)


strongly typed(make it compatible through casting=Java, C#) VS weakly typed(coersion=C)


name type equivalance(stronger) VS structure type equivalence


A data type defines a set of values and a collection of operations on those values. A type system is a set of types and the rules that govern their use in programs. Every typed programming language defines a type system.(p.317) 



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