Some important factors from "Concepts of Programming Languages (global edition) 11ed. - Robert W. Sebesta"
:Chapter 5
⬥6 attributes of variables: name, address, value, type, lifetime, and scope.
-C and C++ is with their union types
-when "call by reference," ==> actual/formal parameter have the same value
-two pointer variables have the same value
⬥static type binding VS dynamic type binding
(cf) disadvantage of dynamic type binding: type finding check X, high cost)
⬥storage bindings and lifetime
-static variables: global(non-local) variable / “static” local variable
-stack-dynamic variable: local variable
-explicit heap-dynamic variable
⬥purpose of functions: reuse(with modifications), process abstraction, information hiding
⬥static scope: functions are allowed nesting(eg.ALGOL60)
However, C-based languages do not allow nested subprograms.
⬥referencing environment
-nesting O: local, global, non-local
-nesting X: local, global
⬥Named constants: useful aids to readability and program reliability