Parenthesis String (PS) consists of two parenthesis symbols ‘(’ and ‘)’ only. In parenthesis strings, some strings are called a valid PS (shortly, VPS). Let us give the formal definition of VPS. A single “( )” is a member of VPS, called the base VPS. Let x and y be a member of VPS. Then “(x)”, a VPS which encloses a VPS x with a single pair of parenthesis, is also a member of VPS. And xy, the concatenation of two VPS x and y, is a member of VPS. For example, “(())()” and ((()))” are all VPS, but “(()(”, “(())()))” and “(()” are not VPS. You are given a set of PS. You should decide if the input string is VPS or not.
Your program is to read from standard input. The input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases T is given in the first line of the input. Then PS’s are given in the following T lines one by one. The length of each PS is between 2 and 50, inclusively.
Your program is to write to standard output. Print the result in each line. If the input string is a VPS, then print “YES”. Otherwise print “NO”.
몇 번이나 틀린 끝에 결국엔 성공한 코드.
중요한 부분은 char parenthesis[]의 방 크기를 50이 아닌 51(null문자까지 생각을 해야한다)로 하는 것이 좋다는 것.
또한, for문으로 for(int j=0; j<strlen(bracket); j++) 로 할 수도 있겠지만,
while문으로 while(parenthesis[j]) 것이 더 좋을 수 있다는 것을 기억하자.
출처1: www.acmicpc.net/problem/9012
9012번: 괄호
괄호 문자열(Parenthesis String, PS)은 두 개의 괄호 기호인 ‘(’ 와 ‘)’ 만으로 구성되어 있는 문자열이다. 그 중에서 괄호의 모양이 바르게 구성된 문자열을 올바른 괄호 문자열(Valid PS, VPS)이라고
출처2: ICPC > Regionals > Asia Pacific > Korea > Nationwide Internet Competition > Daejeon Nationalwide Internet Competition 2012 G번
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