Doing a project without a team leader might sound strange, yet in a way, this particular situation is without a doubt one of the best ways to actually create communication between team members.


I participated in a challenge as a team member where I had to make a prototype of an app within a month.

Since the team did not have a so-called "team leader", there were times were difficulty in making a decision when opinions tied to 3 versus 3.

Also, when it came to "time," time management came to an issue. Decision time took to long.


After the challenge finished, it came a time where we were able to review and reflect on our progress.

Through discussing and getting advice from an advisor we were able to get the following conclusions.


In a democratic world, we vote in order to get the majority of people satisfied. However, the voting system is not always perfect, for the voting can bring a "wrong" decision anytime.

Therefore, in order to get the most out of the voting sytsem, one must make it clear on what we are voting for.


Prioritizing is important: everybody shoudl talk about what they want to achieve from the particular challenge(i.e. project).

The conclusion through the prioritizing and discussion, we should always ask a question: "Are you able to achieve what you wanted to do from the challenge?"


Having said that, I do not think that "a" leader is needed.

Everyone can become "leaders".

"Leaders" just need to follow the "BE-DO-HAVE"

- have the mindset "BE the leader"

- DO what leaders do without having the title, "leader"

- HAVE the title, "leader"


This can be related to the term, "intrapreneur"

(Intrapreneur: how do you leaad everyday life without being in a proper context"

This would be similar to "what is my impact" "what am I here to do?" "How am I going to do it?"


And then we can think of "babies". 

Babies are able to get pretty much anything and everything they want. You could say they are the best leaders.

They don't do anything, but make people feed them, change their diapers and so-on.


Considering all this, "genuinely being here" bit still having big influential powers.


Through the discussion of leadership, it gave me an insight on how different leadership can be in contrast with the traditional leaderhsip.

The traditional leadership we know is the decision maker in time of conflict.

However, the leadership we talk about now is where everyone is a decision maker, or rather, a gatherer of decisions and a person who asks questions.


While I have always seen a leader as someone who is able to push and pullpeople, I was able to recognize that a leader is not made to do that. Rather, it is a person who is able to volunteer and stimulate for the better need.

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